torsdag den 24. september 2015

CWR - Critical Written Reflection

Exercise#1 - Prècis

Group: Chalina Begrendt,Asger Lymann, Jens Thiis, Dongyuan Zhai

The Craftsman, Richard Sennet

The ”Craftsman” by Richard Sennett has been written in 2008. It contains several theories about craftsmanship. It explains the term and what’s behind. Becoming a craftsman is about developing skills, and it takes time. Also your final product undergoes a process where it changes from being a meant as finished to a product that allows you to progress and gain insight on a subject. So instead of thinking about the final product you focus on gathering knowledge that can be passed on so the entire community benefits from the process and not only the owner of this new product. “By one commonly used measure, about ten thousand hours of experience are required to produce a master carpenter or musician (p. 20).”

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